Daryl   Port Elizabeth, Grenadines, St. Vincent & the Grenadines
I'm farming -rep comments, please help me out :pleased:
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DbD game crash bug
My game crashes when loading in:
- Blight with Iridescent Blight Tag
- Clown with Rapid Brutality
- Skull Merchant
- Cenobite
- Onryo
- Chucky
- The Unknown on indoor maps
unlucky. I should get that looked at.
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vlees 26. bře. v 13.22 
mindgames are cheats now. You tru3ta1ent in disguise?
Random 26. bře. v 13.15 
Kora Cain 25. bře. v 11.58 
-rep bruh your loading bug is real :theskull: thanks for saving me from a chucky game!
mini_hozz 20. bře. v 11.04 
New art for your profile
mini_hozz 20. bře. v 7.59 
I would never delete my own art
mini_hozz 20. bře. v 7.42 
- rep deletes my art :(